Восновном показывает картинки и издаёт звук при крите. Эти картинки и звуки сделаны в стиле комиксов. но вы можете сделать намного больше….
cool stuff happens on Crits (heals and damage)
plays fancy sounds
plays sounds ripped from other things
keeps track of up to 2 useless statistics
now includes a bad joke detector
now with added ready check sounds
and more…..
GFX: Venomia, Maidokilla SFX: Random things found on the net support us! GUI: Si ( previously Florix) Coding: Si (previously Zabuza and Maidokilla)
PS: The Way i loaded ‘images’ and ’sounds’ is somehow copied from the Author of the addon Critman. I really liked the way he did that cause ppl can modify Images and Sounds easy this way. the new flash gfx were ripped from the mod Instabolt, which i think ripped them from somewhere else so no hard feelings
—User Testimonials—-
I got sexy through this I could increase my wpw-ratio (women per week) by 100%, just with using this addon, describing how happy i am is not possible. Rif***e
This addon makes you happy it really does. Anousse
I am a better person now My Karma became good the instant i installed this addon, thanks ! random druid
I r 1337 P30P13 WH0 C4N r34D 7hI5 5hI7 5h0u1D 7ry 0U7 7hi5 4dd0wn, i7 0wN5! 534k3R
You have failed me my Students! But this addon rocks! Instructor Razuvious
This addon is great for slacking ‘I was able to slack like hell in raid while coding this addon.’ Zabuza
I am wearing no underwear when I am using this addon And it sure feels good, thanks guys! Maidokilla
The orderlies report that I am MUCH less violent while using this mod, and additionally, the RAMPAGE and GODLIKE sfx tend to enable the voices in my roommate’s head, which makes evening meds time MUCH more fun…you guys are great! I’m not a paladin but I play one in WoW