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tankpoints 2.6.8 - помошник для танков!
Про TankPoints
About TankPoints

TankPoints был создан для помощи лично мне для сравнения отдельных частей возможнойстей танка, потому, что очень тяжело решить, что лучше: 12 дефа или 1 доджа?

TankPoints может показать как много урона вы можете получить без ослабления демага, он разсматривает максимальное здоровье, броню, защиту, уворот, парирование,

блок, вероятность блока, сопротевление к магии, критический удар, промах, уменьшение крита, таланты, бафы, стойки/формы, и т.п..

Аддон является отличной помощью танку

Имейие ввиду, что наличие TankPoints не даст вам всего знания о боссах(что лучше надеть и т.п.), но может предоставить вам много информации, которое будет полезным для выбора тактики.


Список команд

Use: /tp or /tankpoints

* /tp - Show help
* /tp calc - Toggle calculator
* /tp mob - Show mob stats help
* /tp mob level (-20 - 20) - Sets the level difference between the mob and you
* /tp mob damage (0 - 99999) - Sets mob's damage before damage reduction
* /tp mob default - Restores default mob stats
* /tp mob advanced - Show advanced mob stats help
* /tp mob advanced crit (0 - 100) - Sets mob's melee crit chance
* /tp mob advanced critbonus - Sets mob's melee crit bonus
* /tp mob advanced miss (0 - 100) - Sets mob's melee miss chance
* /tp mob advanced spellcrit (0 - 100) - Sets mob's spell crit chance
* /tp mob advanced spellcritbonus - Sets mob's spell crit bonus
* /tp mob advanced spellmiss (0 - 100) - Sets mob's spell miss chance

About TankPoints 2.0

TankPoints 2.0 is a complete rewrite of my original TankPoints for WoW 2.0 using the Ace2 framework.

It has a much improved TankPoints algorithm, intergrates nicely into the character stats dropdown menu, and shows a lot more information then the original TankPoints.

2.0 introduced a new combat ratings system which made it even harder to compare gear, in order to code combat rating support for TankPoints, the exact rating to percentage formula is required which Blizzard didn't give us. Luckly, I have suceessfully reverse engineered the rating formula for all levels and coded an addon called "Rating Buster" that converts ratings on item tooltips into percentages, you can try it out here.

Rating Buster: http://wow.curse-gaming.com/en/files/details/4991/rating-buster/
TankPoints 2.0 Features
Imporved TankPoints 2.0 formula

* Support for all combat ratings including the new resilience stat
* Support for block% and block value
* Support for crushing blows
* Support for combat table and correctly caps off at a total of 100%.

Using Hit < Crushing < Crit < Block < Parry < Dodge < Miss

* Support for mob stats:
o Mob level - defaults player level 3
o Mob damage
o Mob melee crit chance
o Mob melee crit bonus
o Mob melee miss chance
o Mob spell crit chance
o Mob spell crit bonus
o Mob spell miss chance

Improved TankPoints Calculator
TankPoints User Interface

* Intergrated in to the Character stats dropdown menu (See Screeshots)
* When TankPoints is selected it displays:
o TankPoints
o Melee Damage Reduction
o Block Value
o Spell TankPoints
o Spell Damage Reduction
* TankPoints tooltip:
o Your stance
o Mob Stats
+ Mob Level
+ Mob Damage (after damage reduction)
+ Mob Crit Chance
+ Mob Miss Chance
o TankPoints per StatValue - Shows how much TankPoints you gain for each stats with equal item values, because the values below are equal in the item value formula, you can use this data to see what gives the most bang for the buck in terms of item budgets.
+ 1 Agility =
+ 1.5 Stamina =
+ 10 Armor =
+ 1 Resilience =
+ 1 Defense Rating =
+ 1 Dodge Rating =
+ 1 Parry Rating =
+ 1 Block Rating =
+ 1.54 Block Value
o Option to hold down ALT key will show how much TankPoints you gain for each stat point
+ 1 Agility
+ 1 Stamina
+ 1 Armor
+ 1 Resilience
+ 1% Defense
+ 1% Dodge
+ 1% Parry
+ 1% Block
+ 1 Block Value
* Melee Damage Reduction tooltip:
o Armor Damage Reduction against mob level - Useful because the default armor tooltip only shows the reduction for the same level
o Mob Level, Player Level
o Combat Table - Hit <school> damage
+ 50% Melee Damage 50% <school> damage
+ 75% Melee Damage 25% <school> damage
o Can manually cycle through all schools by left clicking the stat
o Reset back to showing the strongest school by right click the stat
* Spell Damage Reduction - Shows your strongest school by default
o Shows damage reductions for all schools
o Same click functions as the Spell TankPoints Tooltip

Supported class talants and buffs

* Warrior: Improved Defensive Stance, Shield Mastery, Shield Wall - Buff, Death Wish - Buff, Recklessness - Buff, Toughness, Vitality
* Druid: Survival of the Fittest, Natural Perfection, Thick Hide, Balance of Power, Heart of the Wild
* Paladin: Shield Specialization, Divine Purpose, Blessed Life, Ardent Defender, Spell Warding, Improved Righteous Fury, Divine Strength, Toughness
* Shaman: Shield Specialization, Elemental Shields, Elemental Warding, Toughness
* Rogue: Sleight of Hand, Heightened Senses, Deadened Nerves, Vitality, Sinister Calling, Cloak of Shadows - Buff
* Hunter: Survival Instincts, Thick Hide, Combat Experience, Lightning Reflexes
* Priest: Shadow Resilience, Spell Warding, Pain Suppression - Buff, Enlightenment
* Hunter: Survivalist, Endurance Training
* Warlock: Demonic Resilience, Master Demonologist, Soul Link - Buff, Demonic Embrace, Fel Stamina
* Mage: Arctic Winds, Prismatic Cloak, Playing with Fire, Frozen Core

TankPoints Formulas

* tankPoints = playerHealth / (1 - totalReduction)

Melee Total Reduction

* totalReduction[MELEE] = 1 - ((mobCritChance * (1 + mobCritBonus) * mobCritDamageMod) + (mobCrushChance * 1.5) + (1 - mobCrushChance - mobCritChance - blockChance * blockedMod - parryChance - dodgeChance - mobMissChance)) * (1 - armorReduction) * meleeTakenMod

Spell Total Reduction

* totalReduction[SCHOOL] = 1 - ((mobSpellCritChance * (1 + mobSpellCritBonus) * mobSpellCritDamageMod) + (1 - mobSpellCritChance - mobSpellMissChance)) * (1 - schoolReduction[SCHOOL]) * spellTakenMod

Armor Reduction

levelModifier = attackerLevel
if ( levelModifier > 59 ) then
levelModifier = levelModifier + (4.5 * (levelModifier - 59))
armorReductionTemp = armor / ((85 * levelModifier) + 400)
armorReduction = armorReductionTemp / (armorReductionTemp + 1)
if armorReduction > 0.75 then
armorReduction = 0.75
if armorReduction < 0 then
armorReduction = 0

Defense Effect

* defenseEffect = (defense - attackerLevel * 5) * 0.04 * 0.01

Block Value From Strength

* blockValueFromStrength = (strength * 0.05) - 1

Block Value

* blockValue = floor(blockValueFromStrength) + floor((blockValueFromItems + blockValueFromShield) * blockValueMod)

Mob Damage (default formula)

* mobDamage = (levelModifier * 55) * meleeTakenMod * (1 - armorReduction)

Resilience Effect

* resilienceEffect = ReverseRating(resilience, playerLevel) * 0.01

Mob Crit Chance

* mobCritChance = max(0, 0.05 - defenseEffect - resilienceEffect)

Mob Crit Bonus

* mobCritBonus = 1

Mob Miss Chance

* mobMissChance = max(0, 0.05 + defenseEffect)

Mob Crush Chance (if mobLevel is 3)

* mobCrushChance = 0.15 + max(0, (playerLevel * 5 - defense) * 0.02)

Mob Crit Damage Mod

* mobCritDamageMod = max(0, 1 - resilienceEffect * 2)

Blocked Mod

* blockedMod = min(1, blockValue / mobDamage)

Mob Spell Crit Chance

* mobSpellCritChance = max(0, 0 - resilienceEffect)

Mob Spell Crit Bonus

* mobSpellCritBonus = 0.5

Mob Spell Miss Chance

* mobSpellMissChance = 0

Mob Spell Crit Damage Mod

* mobSpellCritDamageMod = max(0, 1 - resilienceEffect * 2)

Resistance Reduction
* schoolReduction[SCHOOL] = 0.75 * (resistance[SCHOOL] / (mobLevel * 5))
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