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TotemTimers 8.1d
Этот аддон показывает 4 кнопки-таймера для каждого тотема. Если вы кастуете тотем его иконка будет установлена как соответствующий таймером под ним.

Эти кнопки также могут выступать как дополнительная панель для ваших тотемов.Каждая кнопка-таймер содержит 2 иконки: Большая иконка, на которой показано акивирован или нет тотем и и маленькая иконка которая показывает, что скастует тотем, когды. Изменить тотем, назначенный на ту кнопку, можно просто перенесите туда(нажмите правой кнопкой мыши на меню). Бар кнопки появится со всеми тотемами для элемента таймера. Нажатием лк мыши вы скаскуете соответствующий тотем. Правой кнопкой - таймер . Средня кнопка - смена тотема и установка в кнопку таймера.

Комент с проффи о новой версии:
Теперь можно пользоваться TT при этом не выключая близарские тотемтаймеры (лично мне блазардские нравятся больше тк их можно уничтожать выборочно да и графически лучше видно когда тотем иссякнет, нежели смотреть на цифры или полосочки от ТТ. Да и никакой раздражающей полупрозрачности изза которой приходилось всматриваться в иконки у близардских таймеров нету. Вообщем я думаю не один такой что считаю: totemtimers+близовые таймеры маст хэв для шамана.

You can assign two keys to each timer button: One key simply leftclicks the timer button so that you can recast a totem. The other opens that timer buttons totem bar. You can then cast a totem by using a number key (the totem buttons are marked accordingly). You can also assign a key to Totemic Call.

An additional tracker window has the following trackers:

Reincarnation timer
Water/Lightning Shield timer (leftclick to cast Lightning Shield, rightlick for Water Shield)
Earth Shield Counter (leftclick to cast Earth Shield on focus, rightclick on target, middleclick on targettarget)
Weapon Buff trackers (you can set the buffs you cast with lc and rc in the options menu)
You can set options using the /tt or /totemtimers command.


Fixed ankh timerbar display
Fixed small error with GoGoMount
Updated Russian localization

Fixed error messages for low level shamans

Hiding Blizzard's timers is now optional but enabled by default

Small fix for the weapon tracker

Added support for up to 8 totem sets:
Rightclicking the ankh tracker saves the totem currently set to the timers as a set.
Leftclicking the ankh timer opens a menu with all set.
Leftclicking a set button loads that set to the timers.
Rightclicking a set button deletes it.
Added option to focus your elementals if you click the elemental buttons a second time
If you use LibSharedMedia3 you can change the font of all timers and the texture of all timer bars
Added optional timer bars to trackers
Added tracker spacing slider
Added slider for spacing between timer/tracker buttons and time
Added option to display the time to the top, left, right or bottom of the timer/tracker button
Added option to color totem timer bars according to their elements
Added support for Russian client, thx to DonSlonik
Table of Contents
1 Installation Guide
2 Translations
3 TOC Numbers (Out of Date Mods)
4 Mac Support
5 Directory Structure
Installation Guide
Exit "World of Warcraft" completely
Download the mod you want to install
Make a folder on your desktop called "My Mods"
Save the .zip/.rar files to this folder.
If, when you try to download the file, it automatically "opens" it... you need to RIGHT click on the link and "save as..." or "Save Target As".
Extract the file - commonly known as 'unzipping'
Windows XP a built in ZIP extractor. Double click on the file to open it, inside should be the file or folders needed. Copy these outside to the "My Mods" folder.
WinRAR: Right click the file, select "Extract Here"
WinZip: You MUST make sure the option to "Use Folder Names" is CHECKED or it will just extract the files and not make the proper folders how the Authors designed
Mac Users
StuffitExpander: Double click the archive to extract it to a folder in the current directory.
Verify your WoW Installation Path
That is where you are running WoW from and THAT is where you need to install your mods.
Move to the Addon folder
Open your World of Warcraft folder. (default is C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\)
Go into the "Interface" folder.
Go into the "AddOns" folder.
In a new window, open the "My Mods" folder.
The "My Mods" folder should have the "Addonname" folder in it.
Move the "Addonname" folder into the "AddOns" folder
Start World of Warcraft
Make sure AddOns are installed
Log in
At the Character Select screen, look in lower left corner for the "addons" button.
If button is there: make sure all the mods you installed are listed and make sure "load out of date addons" is checked.
If the button is NOT there: means you did not install the addons properly. Look at the above screenshots. Try repeating the steps or getting someone who knows more about computers than you do to help.
When you download a mod, please be sure that the mod is compatible with your translation of wow. Some mods only work on the US versions, while some only work on some of the various European versions. These variations are called "Localizations".

TOC Numbers (Out of Date Mods)
When Blizzard patches WoW, they change the Interface number. This means that all mods will be "out of date" unless or until the author releases a new version for that interface. Some people go into the .toc files and update the numbers themselves, but this is STRONGLY advised against as it will cause problems locating possible incompatibilities addons. When you log into WoW after a patch, you DO NOT have to delete your interface directory. All you have to do is simply tell WoW to ignore the interface numbers and load all the mods anyway. All you have to do is, while at the "character select" screen, look in the lower left corner and click on the "addons" button. A window will pop up listing all your installed mods.

If you look in the upper left corner of that window there should be a box that says "Load Out of Date AddOns". You want to CHECK this box. Now simply go into WoW normally and all your mods should load. As of the 1.9 patch, you will have to do this after EVERY patch/update that Blizzard posts! If you encounter any problems with a mod after a patch, please be sure to let the author of the mod know so they can fix it.

See also: About "Out Of Date AddOns"

Mac Support
WoW addons are not platformed based. As such, they can be used on either Mac or PC. You can extract both .zip and .rar files on a Mac using StuffitExpander.

Directory Structure
World of Warcraft
|_ Interface
|_ *AddonName*.toc
|_ *AddonName*.xml
|_ *AddonName*.lua
|_ (possibly others as well)...
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