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LightHeaded это очень простой аддон который показывает информацию и коменты с http://www.wowhead.com в игре, всё, что вам требуется это нажать Alt-Tab, когда вы застряли на квесте.
This addon was inspired by qcomments and wowhead_quests, which both serve a similar purpose. Data is only loaded when you first request it, so you can be sure you're not using more memory than you need to.

The addon I use to make my quest log wide, is called DoubleWide, and you can download it here at http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info6887-DoubleWide.html. LightHeaded should work with any quest log that uses QuestLogFrame.

I HIGHLY suggest using this addon with TomTom, another one of my addons (http://www.wowinterface.com/download...32-TomTom.html). This allows you to simply click any coordinate in LightHeaded to add it to your map as a waypoint.

The following slash commands are valid:
/lh attach - Attaches the frame to the quest log
/lh detach - Detaches the frame, allows you to resize and move it
/lh sound - Toggles the open/close sound
/lh page - Toggles showing all comments on one page, or with multiple pages
/lh bgalpha <0.0-1.0> - Changes the alpha of the LH window background textures, so you can see the world.
/lh debug - Enables or disabled debug messages when loading quest databases
IMPORTANT: Addon authors that wish to use this API and data should
include the wowhead logo in the frame that displays this information.
They are kind enough to let me continue parsing their database, and we
owe them at least that much. Thank you.

Thanks for using my addons!

Make a Donation

On the LightHeaded 2.4 update:

The World of Warcraft 2.4 patch brings lots of API changes in particular to the combat log, but they also snuck in a nice change. You can now shift-click a quest in the quest log to send a link to another player. A side-effect of this is that the internal numeric quest ids that are used to identify each quest have been exposed.

This means I am now able to correlate quest data between wowhead.com and the game client, to display more accurate quest information. In addition, this instantly localized the addon so it works with any game client. The comments will still appear in English (as will the names in the Quest Series) section of the information, but I no longer need to distribute a large database for other locales.

When installing this version of the addon, please remove any prior versions of LightHeaded (and it's data addons) that you might have laying around. They are not needed in this version, and deleting them ensures you get the latest version of the addon.

There may be bugs as we work through these changes, so thank you in advance for reporting them to me so I can fix them as soon as possible.

Happy 2.4!

- Cladhaire
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Уважаемые посетители нашего портала
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MaNGOS Rev 6505+ScriptDev2 Rev 599 // TBC 2.4.3
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Аналог знаменитого Gatherer - более примитивный, но не менее эффективный. База данных у него в разы меньше, глюков по заверению авторов - тоже.
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